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POFF: The End


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Adventure, Drama
Death is also the great equalizer in this documentary, which follows a surreal path towards our inevitable end. This philosophical and claustrophobic story explores the consequences of death and introduces unsettling scientists you wouldn't particularly want to meet in real life. Naturalist Ilmars studies corpses and is skeptical about life after death. Meanwhile, Kristians, a masked artist from a family of witches, collects bones for poetic musical rituals. Malacologist Edgars identifies all the beetles, worms and insects that eat us, while astronomers Anna and Arnis develop more humane methods of processing animals for food. The film features fascinating footage that highlights nature photographer Māris Maskalāns' mythological memento mori. Patient and attentive timings are faintly fascinating. After watching the movie, you might be averse to being buried in a cheap coffin. Edvinas Pukšta The director Maris Maskalans From the script Māris Maskalāns, Ilmārs Tīrmanis, Pauls Bankovskis In parts Kristians Brekte, Edgars Dreijers, Anna Ginteri, Arnis Ginteri, Ilmārs Tīrmanis Producer In Uldis Cekul Operator Maris Maskalans Composer Kristians Brekte, Modris Svilāns, Māris Butlers Music Q+M+B Music Q+M+B Sound VFS films

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