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POEFF: Alpha.


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After the death of his mother, Rein (Reinout Scholten van Aschat) has moved to a small village in the Swiss Alps, where he teaches snowboarding and has found peace in the middle of nature. At least until his father Gijs (Gijs Scholten van Aschat) unexpectedly arrives from Holland. There are obvious tensions between the estranged father and son, and soon the men's reunion turns into a gradually escalating power struggle. Together, they embark on a trek to the snowy mountain slopes, during which the men collide with each other and their past, as well as with the breathtakingly powerful nature that surrounds them. "Alfa," a drama with elements of suspense, is director-screenwriter Jan-Willem van Ewijk's fourth feature film, which premiered in the Giornate degli Autori program at the Venice Film Festival. The director Jan-Willem van Ewijk From the script Jan-Willem van Ewijk In parts Reinout Scholten van Aschat, Gijs Scholten van Aschat Producer Frank Hoeve Operator Douwe Hennink, NSC Composer Ella van der Woude Music Vincent Sinceretti

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