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Epp Kärsin's lecture for young people "Sex without shame!"

Epp Kärsini loeng noortele "Seksist ilma häbita!"

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The lecture is aimed at young people so that they can be more aware of sexuality, sex and everything else related to it in the future. The topics under discussion are generally not discussed at school or at home. The lecture consists of two parts: 1. In the first part, we will talk about the influence of the family on the young person, creating a conscious relationship with oneself and others, hygiene, falling in love, love, self-esteem, intercourse, pleasures, the world of porn, self-gratification, mental health and the impact of thoughts on one's well-being, and other exciting and eloquent topics. Everything is talked about without taboos, honestly and sincerely, just according to young people and the topics that speak to them. 2. In the second part, Epp answers the participants' questions. It is possible to ask questions anonymously, i.e. write them down on paper and slide them into the question box during a break. What is the expected result? Courage, awareness, self-confidence, the right values, the ability to assert oneself. How to create a good and loving relationship? A single relationship must not hurt! And certainly after the lecture, the young person is more aware of himself and others, of his wishes and needs and knows how to express himself better.  Fears and taboos around sex disappear, because the truth sets you free!  The ability to establish one's own boundaries and the courage to say what one likes and dislikes at every level of life develops. It also increases the understanding that why someone behaves like that or is like that? We all want to be loved and to love, it starts with ourselves! After the lecture, you will feel charged with new knowledge and I guarantee that this lecture will change your life!  The lecture is intended for young people who are interested in sex and sexual topics and are ready to listen to the lecture openly. The recommended age is individual, but rather not under 12 years of age.

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