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Draama, Fantaasia, Romantiline


Tere tulemast kõige vihmasemasse linna, Forksi – kohta, kus päike paistab täpselt nii vähe, et vampiirid saaksid rahus keskkoolis käia!

Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart), kelle sotsiaalne kohmakus tõstab teismeliste ebamugavuse ebareaalsetesse kõrgustesse, kolib uude linna ning tutvub koolis salapäraselt kompu Edward Culleniga (Robert Pattinson). Edward erineb kõigist poistest, keda Bella eales tundnud on: ta jookseb kiiremini kui lõvi, suudab paljaste kätega peatada kihutava auto ja on Bellast pea 90 aastat vanem. Edwardi jaoks on Bella midagi, mida ta on terve oma pika elu oodanud, nimelt hingesugulane. Ent mida lähedasemaks nad muutuvad, seda ohtlikum on asi Bella jaoks. Eriti siis, kui linna saabub rändvampiiride kamp, kes on hoopis teist tüüpi olendid kui Cullenite taltsas pere ning armsast Bellast saab uute verejanuliste elukate jaoks maitsev märklaud.

Lisaks diskokuulidena sädelevatele vampiiridele, elab Froksis ka palju libahunte, kellel pole eriti isu särki kanda. Tule vaata poisid ise üle!


Welcome to the rainiest town, Forks – a place where the sun shines just barely enough for vampires to attend high school in peace.

Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart), whose social awkwardness takes teenage discomfort to unreal heights, moves to a new town and meets the mysterious classmate Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson). Edward is unlike any boy Bella has known before: he runs faster than a lion, can stop a speeding car with his bare hands, and is nearly 90 years older than her. For Edward, Bella is something he has been waiting for his whole life – his soulmate. But the more intimate they get, the more dangerous the situation becomes for Bella. Especially when a group of nomadic vampires arrive in town. They are a completely different breed of creatures than the tame Cullen family. So becomes our sweet Bella a tasty target for the blood-thirsty newcomers.

In addition to vampires who sparkle like disco balls, Forks is also home to werewolves who don’t like to wear shirts. Come and take a look!

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