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To Be Continued. Teenhood.

Turpinājums. Pieaugšana

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After a break of seven years, Latvian filmmakers Ivars Seleckis and Armands Začs return to the five children they filmed extensively in 2015. How are the 14-year-olds feeling about life now? This is the year they need to make a decision about their further education, and the responsibilities of adult life are gradually coming into view. Anatasija is already working long hours at the horse farm run by her single mother. Karlis has joined the military youth movement. Gleb’s parents have high expectations for both his intellectual and physical development, while Anete is enjoying a bit too much freedom at home. Zane’s life is becoming increasingly dominated by her sports career. The camera captures how each of them deals with setbacks and disappointments, such as a breakup, or a grandmother who has Alzheimer’s. They are now critical of their parents, and no longer regard their authority as a given. These young people are also increasingly aware of contradictions in society. And in the background there’s a conflict taking place that demands ever more attention: the war in Ukraine. Source: idfa.nl

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