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POEFF: Mongrels
Run Time
Drama, Family
A heartwarming and mysterious story of Korean immigrants spiced up with catching dogs.
Sonny, a skilled hunter and animal speaker, arrives in Canada hoping to provide a brighter future for the children. At the same time, he is in deep grief after the loss of his wife. Modest son Hajoon trains both body and mind to protect his family, while naive little sister Hana finds it difficult to come to terms with the loss of her beloved mother once and for all. In the world of "Krants", the locals wear Wild West cowboy hats and listen intently to preacher Scott, who exhorts them to catch and kill dogs because he considers them large rodents.
Director Jerome Yoo is an emerging talent who presents a non-linear story of courage, sin, love and forgiveness in three chapters. The film explores the problems, weaknesses and aspirations of three Korean immigrants as they live by the Native American belief that wild dogs watch over the family like guardian angels.
Edvinas Pukšta
The director
Jerome Yoo
From the script
Jerome Yoo
In parts
Sein Jin, Jae-Hyun Kim, Da-Nu Nam, Candyce Weir, Jedd Sharp, Morgan Derera, Sangbum Kang
Nach Dudsdeemaytha, Tesh Guttikonda
Jaryl Lim
Jude Shih, Tae-Young Yu
Elemental Mail
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